Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sharing the dharma

As new as I am to Buddhist practice, I am so happy with how it's changed my life that I find myself sharing Buddhist ideas with my non-Buddhist friends.

For instance, a lady I work with was coming really unglued today about a frustrating situation with a manager, and I suggested she take a few deep breaths and focus her attention on the "out" breath. I demonstrated, then she did a few breathing exercises, and calmed down.

I'm not a dharma teacher by any means, but nonetheless I find myself sprinking bits of the dharma everywhere I go, because the ideas of selflessness, compassion, non-attachment and impermanence have really pervaded my thinking.

Does this happen to any of you other "novices" (newcomers to the dharma and sangha)?

1 comment:

Hotboy said...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog! If you meditate every day you will get bliss. Isn't that something. Access to bliss! Hotboy